Nice to meet you.
Servant of Christ is a vibrant and healthy congregation located in Champlin, Minnesota. We are a Biblically based congregation, and our mission is “Making Disciples”. We are committed in every aspect of life to encourage people to grow and mature in faith by engaging in the following Biblical marks of discipleship: PRAYER, BIBLICAL LITERACY, SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP, WEEKLY WORSHIP, SERVING and GIVING. We invite you to look through our website to find out more about Servant of Christ and to come visit and worship.
Update: 141 gifts were give for a total of $32,164! Servant of Christ will also be receiving a $6,000 matching gift. Thank you to everyone for your generous support to exceed this goal as we look forward to hiring a Pastor of Children’s Ministries!
Upcoming Events
September / October Sermon Series
September 1: Living Bread - 9 AM service only
John 6: 51-58 — Theme: Jesus offers himself to give us eternal and abundant life.
September 8: Open Mouths, Open Hearts - 9 AM service only
Mark 7:24-37 — Theme: Spiritual Miracles are often more difficult to trust than physical healing.
September 15: Rally Sunday – 10 AM Worship
Theme: Blessed and Blessing
Sermon Series: Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go
September 22: The Divine Answer: Finding Forgiveness in our Relationship with God (1 of 4)
Jeremiah 31: 31-34, Matthew 26: 20-35
September 29: For Better, For Worse: Finding Forgiveness with Our Spouses or Romantic Partners (2 of 4)
Colossians 3: 12-15
October 6: Seventy Times Seven: Finding Forgiveness with All People (3 of 4)
Matthew 18: 15-17, 21-23
October 13: The Dreamcoat: Finding Forgiveness with Parents and Siblings (4 of 4)
Genesis 50: 15-21