Nice to meet you.
Servant of Christ is a vibrant and healthy congregation located in Champlin, Minnesota. We are a Biblically based congregation, and our mission is “Making Disciples”. We are committed in every aspect of life to encourage people to grow and mature in faith by engaging in the following Biblical marks of discipleship: PRAYER, BIBLICAL LITERACY, SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP, WEEKLY WORSHIP, SERVING and GIVING. We invite you to look through our website to find out more about Servant of Christ and to come visit and worship.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Sermons
January 12: Love is Not All You Need — Genesis 29: 16-30
January 19: ​Money Changes Everything — Genesis 29: 16-30
January 26: The Seduction of Success — 2 Kings 5: 1-15
February 2: The Power and the Glory – The Insecure King — Daniel 2: 1-3, 25-39
February 9: The Hidden Idols in Our Lives — Jonah 1: 1-17
February 16: What We Need is an Encounter with the Living God — Genesis 32: 24-31
February 23: Hip Hop Outreach Worship Service with David Scherer and Joe Davis